MIKEIndulging in a cigar is my cherished moment to savor solitude, relishing the rich flavors. It's also a chance to gather with friends, sharing stories and engaging in meaningful conversations. Lighting a cigar is a personal ritual, and I believe in respecting each individual's choice of cigar.
My passion for cigars is boundless; I adore the experience, explore different varieties, and appreciate the craftsmanship behind each one, creating a unique palette of flavors. |
ANGELOA connoisseur in the making of smooth cigars, with a taste for the finer things in life.
For him, a good cigar is an invitation to relax with friends, whether they're casually shooting the breeze or engaging in profound conversations. Being part of these moments means more to him than just smoke and flavor; it's a shared experience, a journey of discovery, and a chance to learn and grow together. |